Monthly Archives: March 2011

Where Is Your Business?

There is no easier way to promote your business than meeting Google Places. Quickly and free application to reach Google users. Make your listing really shine to engage your customers with photos, videos, offers, public response and more. And don’t forget to get insights in order to make smarter business decisions!

In addition, it is recognized as a valuable marketing tool for SEO. Your Google positioning is likely to improve. So, what are you waiting for?



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Filed under On my mind, Support

Social Media: A Way of Marketing

Every day I’m more interested on Social Media. It offers a wide range of great resources either in a personal or professional way.

I have just been reading an interesting presentation (in spanish) that Carmen Urbano did for an important forum in Spain. It was about how to boost your business through social networks and I couldn’t agree more with her. In the case of companies which work with overseas clients I see it even more attractive, distances get closer.

Some of the most known Social Media resources are:  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, YouTube, Picasa or Flickr. They are tremendous databases and have an incredible audience.

Before starting on it, it is more than important to plan and develop and strategy in order to take care over the company’s image. In addition, your marketing online should be the perfect complement to your marketing offline, try to balance them.

To sum up, If I were in charge of a marketing department I would not hesitate to use this valuable and cheap way of promoting your business. People are used to be more on social networks than looking for information through search engines.


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